Due to the current circumstance we have taken steps to protect our employees, clients, suppliers and guests by minimising the risk of spreading infectious diseases.
- Clearview office based staff are working in split teams at multiple locations on a strict rotational basis. ”always on” conferencing technology is being utilised to maintain effective communications.
- All staff have laptops configured to work from their homes whilst adhering to all Clearview Relocation security protocols.
- Client meetings are being held by video conferencing wherever possible.
- Office hygiene levels have been increased with the installation of hand sanitizers, additional cleaning and sterilisation of high touch areas along with staff education.
- Where possible work will be completed on a virtual basis. If this is not possible our field based consultants have been provided with sanitization packs and are only able to meet with clients that have signed declarations confirming their travel within the last 14 days and that have completed and satisfied the questionnaire and recommendations at the nhs 111 website - https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19
- Staff travel is being monitored carefully; anyone travelling abroad will be subject to a minimum of one week working from home, away from other members of staff and clients.
- A strict 14 day self-isolation policy is in place for anyone that has been potentially exposed to the disease or is showing any symptoms.
- Our suppliers have been asked to provide full details on their measures to minimise risk whilst remaining operationally effective.
- The clearview relocation management team discuss and react to the evolving situation on a daily basis.
In the event that you would like to discuss this statement and the procedures that we have put in place, please contact debbie ward by email on debbie.ward@clearviewrelocation.com or by phone on +44(0)1635 239044